First and foremost, we believe in God.
God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

God the Father is all-powerful,

the one who made all things, both the visible and the invisible,

and who loved the world so much He sent His only Son.

Jesus Christ is God the Son,

            who was God and yet became a flesh and blood human being,

            who lived and suffered and was executed on a cross,

who was raised from the dead the third day after he had been buried,

and who left earth and went up into heaven to be with the Father.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God,

our teacher and guide,

the very presence of God within us,

who is building up the church to be a community of love and service.

The world suffers under sin,

            but God is not done with the world;

            He is working to reconcile the world to Himself.


The church is Christ’s body on earth,

and the Caldwell Church of Christ is one community of followers of Jesus 

whose purpose is to worship God

and to join in with God’s grand project of overcoming sin and bringing reconciliation,

calling people to baptism into the death of Jesus and to changed life in the Spirit,

taking seriously that God has put us at 10th Ave. and Ustick in Caldwell,
and wanting to bless and love Caldwell and the surrounding area.

God’s kingdom has come in Jesus Christ,

and one day Jesus will come again

and the kingdom of God will be full and complete;  

only the Father knows when that day will arrive,

so we won’t waste our time guessing when it will take place.
The Bible is God’s inspired word to us and is our ultimate authority in faith and practice.

We believe that these beliefs matter

because truth matters to God

and because knowing truth helps us become the kind of people God wants us to be.